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Community Life

Community Life, like Communion, is what connects us more deeply to one another and to the identity of Trinity Church in the larger world.  It is a place to encounter God outside the realm of theology and lead us into a more universal consciousness. It is where we explore what it means to lean on one another to grow and learn and become the Body of Christ. The gift of community reveals itself in many ways:


Whether it is singing in the Choir (we sing at the 10:30AM service, and rehearse earlier at 8:30 AM); helping out with the liturgy as a Liturgical Assistant (older children can become acolytes or join interested adults in becoming a reader, a greeter, or a chalice bearer); helping out or taking advantage of the Healing Ministry (that occurs at the 10:30AM service just after communion); or celebrating the milestones of life with Pastoral Services (Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings, Funerals, and confidential conversations with our clergy).  There are plenty of niches for you and yours, here at Trinity.  


Trinity Church also has many events and service projects providing members of the community with other opportunities to connect. Sign up for the weekly eNews for the most up-to-date information about programs and events. Contact the parish administrator for more information about getting involved. <>


Extending the Table:

Trinity offers a variety of ways to ”extend the table”. Recognizing that among all the things said about Jesus, gathering friends around a radically open table seemed to be his default activity. We try to copy him by creating opportunities to eat together and connect. 

  • Coffee Hour, Refreshment & Conversations follow each of the four weekly services providing informal opportunities for everyone to connect and share information. Additionally, there are monthly special group breakfasts and lunches, which are announced in the nNews.

  • Adult Education Offerings provide an examination of spirituality from the lens of poetry, prayer, lectures, book discussions and other forms of theological reflection.

  • Hospitality/Trinity Bakers provide baked goods for the Coffee Hour after the 10:30am service on Sunday and for other special events for the congregation and community.


Community Partners



Trinity is a community of people who do “outreach” for a living, a vocation, a lifetime. Hands-on service opportunities through Trinity add a communal/team aspect to our service and advocacy as an expression of the love of God. Furthermore, “seeking and serving God in all people; respecting the dignity of every human being; and striving for justice and peace…” is something we need to be doing every day with the way we live our lives.


The following social service agencies are some of the many organizations where people at Trinity are engaged in the community and are seeking and serving Christ in all people. 

The Friends of Night People team works on feeding the homeless and low-income of Buffalo. This team meets once a month to serve food and clean up afterwards. FONP is located at 394 Hudson at the corner of Wadsworth in Buffalo.

VOICE Buffalo is a nonprofit organization which relies on an interfaith, multiracial coalition of faith institutions & nonprofit organizations to address key issues of refugee & immigrant rights, criminal justice, disability & accessibility and community schools.

Compass House provides a shelter and comprehensive support for homeless, runaway and street teens. This nonprofit was originally organized & created by members of Trinity too.

Trinity Church is in a partnership with Hamlin Park School #74, the Claude and Ouida Clapp Academy (Pre-K through 8th) through Say Yes Buffalo. Special supply drives help students and their families in this predominately African American community.

Justice for Migrant Families WNY , Founded by members of Trinity and others, JFMF was formed in the wake of raids in 2016 on four Mexican restaurants in Buffalo, the largest workplace raid in years, affecting a large group of workers that became known as the Buffalo 25. JFMF has transitioned from rapid response into a trusted and established organization that is here for the long haul. We provide information, support, and material assistance to migrants in federal detention; we help find shelter, legal support, and emergency funds for migrants in the community; and we organize for a future of immigrant justice and all that that encompasses. There are many ways for you to get involved as a volunteer.

Justice for Migrant Families WNY is located at Trinity Church.

To leave a message for the organization call (716) 575-9110. 

If you would like to make a donation, click here

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